Collagen is mostly marketed for its beauty benefits, and for its anti-aging benefits.
Does that mean it’s just for women?
Not at all! Hydrolyzed collagen is particularly good for active guys and athletes, since it improves muscle tone and strength. Regular collagen use reduces muscle soreness and pain after a workout and improves the speed of healing after injuries.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that collagen would benefit athletes. Collagen is a major building block of muscles, tendons, joints, and cartilage. As one of the major types of protein in the body, collagen is essential for strength and fitness. Collagen contains amino acids and protein content that increase energy and physical endurance for individuals or athletes.
The body produces new collagen to replace collagen that has become damaged or broken down. When we’re young, the new collagen is produced just as fast as the old collagen breaks down. As we get older – beginning around age 25 – our bodies’ ability to replace the old collagen diminishes. The network of collagen fibers that holds our organs in place develops cross linkings and the spaces between the fibers become too large to hold in the moisture and nutrients our bodies need. At the same time, the easy flow of waste products out of the cells is impeded by abnormal structures in the network.